Avisi Blog

One awesome (build) stack from the present

Geschreven door Gert-Jan van de Streek | 14 April 2014

We just started a new project and concluded on the (build) stack in just under five minutes. Only for that fact I will share it with the world:

  • Node, for it's fast development round trips
  • Express, de facto, safe choice
  • Reactjs, for we love to say the word 'isomorphic'. It's all about rendering templates both client and server side. Plus, it's the only view layer technology that supports functional programming right.
  • Prismic.io, cause we hate the corset of most cms'es. Prismic does not limit us in any technology choice.
  • Heroku, because it just works for everything not Play/Scala. Plus their support is just plain great.
  • Less, for it's addictiveness.
  • Bootstrap, as long as it's not going to look like bootstrap
  • Langur, for easy i18n
  • Gulp, for 'make' like freedom in JavaScript

Now, a little bit about the app, because that's the driver behind the choices. It's a web app, obviously, mostly content driven (previously known as 'website') and responsive to mobile devices. It's bilingual, must have the best possible ux experience and be very fast, even under high load. Also, if not most important, it must be very flexible and maintainable. This app is going to change a lot in many ways, in the near and not so near future.

We're going to be stuck with it for many years and for that reason we want it to fit like a glove.