Kennis Blog Gardening in Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS). Our closing keynote

Gardening in Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS). Our closing keynote

October 14th we'll be hosting the fourth edition of our Agile and Software Architecture Symposium (ASAS). Viktor Grgic will be our closing keynote speaker.


Viktor is an Agile coach, architect and developer. He has trained architects and teams, introduced Scrum and occupied the architecture role in many companies such as KvK, Municipality of Amsterdam,, ProRail, Port of Rotterdam and Sdu Uitgevers. 


Viktor is an appreciated speaker who regularly gives talks about (mainly) Agile Architecture in different settings. He is currently coaching and provides trainings to companies in Hong Kong.

The talk: Gardening in Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)

Architecture and the way we deal with architecture is intricately connected to people involved in the process; even more the organisational structure. Because of this Conway’s law, the question arises which organisational structure contributes to better, simpler designs. There are also fairly unknown misconceptions about Conway’s law.


In this talk you will hear why we reorganise from so called component to cross-component, customer-facing teams, how this contributes to better architecture, and what kind of challenges we came across in such process.


The talk will also provide insight into how LeSS framework deals with architecting, or better to say “gardening”.