Barri Jansen on 25 February 2021
Barri Jansen on 25 February 2021
Niek Knuiman on 14 October 2020
Avisi on 24 September 2020
Avisi op 03 August 2020
I have noticed an interesting trend here at Avisi: an increasing number of teams are choosing Kotlin for their projects! Kotlin allows programmers to utilize more aspects of functional programming. This made me wonder, how far can you go with functional programming in Kotlin?
Erik Evers op 23 March 2020
What if we were able to mimic the events inside our brains and use them to increase the capabilities of our computers? What if we could make these machines go through a learning process similar to children learning how to walk? Would you be surprised to know that this is actually possible? Artificial neural networks are inspired by our own...